‘The Premiere’ is a new feature-length comedy by Jon Silver, about a young filmmaker who manages countless challenges at his first movie premiere – including high-expectations, celebrity appearances, and paranoid delusions projected onto the screen.
SYNOPSIS: On the night of his first movie premiere, Jacob Sanders is hounded by mounting issues and paranoid delusions appearing on the screen. Disaster looms at every turn – his family argues, audience members complain, the popcorn machine breaks, and the movie file doesn’t work. All of these problems are exacerbated by the rumored arrival of a famous Actor. Jacob struggles to overcome disaster, all while fending off criticisms, expectations, and disturbing figments of his imagination.
A ShowPup Production in Association with Kernel Productions and Fernandez Films
Starring: Grant Kennedy Lewis, Adam Schreck, Rick Hall, Greg Hollimon, and Natalie West
Also Starring: Alli Stark, Bri Fitzpatrick, Meg Kennedy, Kellen Terrett, Mark Raterman, Adelina Marinello, Phil Dufresne, and Junella Carla Gabriel
Director of Photography Michael Fernandez
Sound Mix by TightRope Recording
Color by Colin Cubr
Edited by Jon Gollner
Produced by Jenny Argyle Hogan, Alex Marshall, Kyle Nilges, David Silver, Stan Wozniak, Michael Fernandez
Executive Producers: Zack Fishman Grant Troyer
Written & Directed by Jon Silver
Reel Chicago
Screen Magazine
Film Review – Solzy at the Movies